What is Rebel Cruzer?

Rebel Cruzer is is my Blog for sharing stories, and images of my motorcycle travels. I’m Vinny. I am 36 years old, and currently reside in Santa Cruz, California. I first began ridng a Honda Rebel motorcycle in 1995. It was a beat up old 250cc  in poor shape, but it was mine, and I loved it. I rode it everyday for over 6 months, using it to learn (crash), to commute to and from work, and to explore the beautiful California Central Coast, and  Bay Area. Eventually the bike had some problems that became too expensive to repair, and I eventually sold it about a year later. I no longer needed the bike for daily commuting, and just became interested in other pursuits. I wouldn’t ride a motorcycle for another 12 years. But in the spring of 2007, I was overcome with the urge to ride again, and began to look online, and around town for a bike. As soon as I took my first test ride, I was instantly hooked on motorcycle riding. In May 2007, I  bought another Honda Rebel that I found on e-bay. Since then, I’ve had a Honda Shadow, and a Kawasaki Vulcan. At one point I owned all three bikes, but have since parted ways with the Rebel, and the Shadow,and currently only own the Vulcan.  I hope you will enjoy the Rebel Cruzer Blog.

Me on the Rebel with passenger Alix - photo by Martha

Me on the Rebel with passenger Alix - photo by Martha

2 Responses to “What is Rebel Cruzer?”

  1. Hi! I hope you don’t mind but I ask my mom to get me your site. I overheard them chatting one day about your trip and wanted to check it out. I’m looking forward to the evening when Ava Jewel is in bed and I can catch up. Warm regards, Anna (Barbara’s daughter)

  2. My stepson’s first bike was a Honda Rebel 250cc and I was amazed that he kept up with my Vulcan 750 just fine.

    Love your web work. It has made me interested in the geocache activity. You’re absolutely on the money when you talk of combining geocaching, motorcycles, and photography.

    Good luck to you my friend!

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